Getting on the First Page of Google Is Not Enough | Davenport Website Designs

Getting on the First Page of Google Is Not Enough

Screen grab of google search.

Seven Things you need before you build a website Fourteen Steps You Can Do to Protect Yourself and Your Family

Search Engine Organic Rankings

Monday, February 26, 2018

Frist off, we use DuckDuckGo because DuckDuckGo does not track you and they return the same results as Google.

Webdesigners and SEO companies spend more time convincing you to spend money on hacks and such so your site gets ranked on the first page of Google that they forget about the most important thing on that page, the CONTENT, which is what keeps the visitors once they show up. Bad content, who cares how many visotors you get, if you have a bad bounce rate, Google will not rank you.

Content is KING! There is no denying it. Think abut why YOU visit sites more often than you do others, or never go back to some. Why? The design, the coolness, the features? No. You revisit sites you like because of the content and how it effects your life. It helps, informs, and/or entertains you — you get something out of it, because your time is scares, valuable, and yours. That is the same way everyone else thinks when they visit a site.

Ask yourself if your would revisit your site because of the content. And be honest, because pretending that your site is awesome does not make it awesome, and others will not think it is either. You must MAKE IT AWESOME with CONTENT.

What is Bounce Rate?

Bounce rate is an Internet marketing term used in web traffic analysis. It represents a metric that indicates the percentage of visitors who enter the site and then leave (“bounce”) after viewing one page rather than continuing to view other pages within the same site.

A more descriptive explanation is when an analytics server calculates a session from a visitor to your site that triggers only a single request, such as when a user opens a single page on your site and then exits without triggering any other requests during that session. The analytics server returns a single page view from a visitor that gets categorized as a bounce.

Is a high bounce rate a bad thing?

If the success of your site depends on visitors viewing more than one page then a high bounce rate is bad. If you have a single-page site like a blog or a landing page created for a specific purpose for which single-page sessions are expected, then a high bounce rate is to be expected and not a bad thing.

Lowering your Bounce Rate and getting it into a respectable percentage

A high bounce rate is a tell-tell sign that your content is weak, not interesting, not what the viewer was looking for, and/or out-of-date, but what can you do to improve your site to lower your bounce rate?

First and foremost is provide Quality Content by having an obvious main message and focus on that message and tailer the content to a specific type of visitor and do not stray from that message or visitor. Include a clear Call To Action that you want them to do. Make your content error-free and grammatically correct. And remember Content is KING!

Obviously it must be entertaining, informative, useful, unique — do not just spew out words you copied from another site, and it must be engaging — remember the reason you revisit sites. Make your content as good as that.

Other things that can help a bounce rate, but should already be in place with a properly designed the site are:

  • Enhance the Usability of the site by make your text readable through sensible organization and the use of larger fonts, bulleted lists, white space, good color contrast, and large headlines, and a well-organized responsive design.
  • Attract the Right Visitors by choosing the right keywords to match your content — not just to attract the most number of visitors. Create multiple landing pages with unique content and keywords for your different buyer personas. Write attractive, useful meta descriptions for search engine users and improve targeting of online advertising campaigns.
  • Speed Up Page Load Time by using little or no self-loading multimedia content. Set external links to open in new browser windows/tabs and use the rel="noopener noreferrer" tag. Avoid the distracting ads, if you use ads, from your content: Place static ads to sides, and avoid pop-ups & self-loading multimedia ads.

Why is Content the King?

Without content, you just have colors and shapes, which in some respects can be considered Content. But is it content that you come back to see again? It all depends on how those shapes and colors interact or make you feel that bring you back.

Content mostly comes in the form of text; the written word, images such as stills and video, and audio such as podcasts. Viewers expect to read, watch, or listen to something to entertain, educate, or motivate them. A book is just a bounded collection of blank pages without letters and words; still pictures have a pictorial story — not just a blank colored background; audio podcasts should have people speaking, singing, or other sound effects not just white noise, and video has the combination of moving pictures with audio.

Without content why do I want to open a book with blank pages, look at a solid colored picture, listen to white noise, or watch a colored background while listening to white noise? What can content do for you, your visitors, and the world?

1. Content answers questions
People, just like you, go to the internet looking for answers.You and your business or organization can answer questions with your content.

2. Content establishes leadership
People that have established themselves as Leaders or Experts in their chosen field often have an easier time getting the word out about their brand, product, or services. Content marketing is essential to establishing leadership or expertise, especially when your blog posts, videos, or other content begin to dominate search results.

3. Content speaks directly to visitors
Creating content that your visitors will find useful, they feel as though they are having a conversation with you. Blog posts or videos that directly answer visitor's questions about your area of expertise show visitors that you care about them and understand their issues.

4. Content encourages loyalty
Content has the power to engage visitors, instilling trust and respect. Visitors who regularly read your content are more likely to feel a personal connection to your brand than those who merely see you as a business logo and website.

5. Content is accessible
Most people who use the internet prefer to receive information from articles rather than ads.Regularly updating your content and blog, you put content out there where visitors can find and use it. Most people do their research using the internet when they are looking for a product, services or information; they will be more likely to read your content and buy from you rather than one of your competitors if you have a sound content.

6. Content sells your brand
Most importantly, your content can serve as the most effective sales pitch in your marketing strategy. Solid information that describes your business, your expertise in that business, and how you can help a visitor, which will become a client, will compel consumers to invest in you and your business. People do not buy what you do, they buy why you do it — Simon Sinek.

Hurray for your “First-Page” victory on Google, but the battle continues

So getting on the first page of Google maybe a victory, but the battle is far from over. You might be on top today running around with your finger in the air stating “We're Number One! We're Number One!” But wake up tomorrow and have fun trying to find you. Content is king and is one of the most effective marketing tools in a business’s toolkit that is poorly executed.

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